A Few Simple UX Web Development Tips

UX refers to the user experience. Thus, UX web development is all about web design that improves the user experience. UX design should be a primary concern of anyone who is designing a website. Whether you are designing your own business site, a personal site, or your design sites for a living. It’s an absolute “must” for any website that is going to be specific.

UX User Experience Blue Rounded SquaresIf you’re new to web design, then wrapping your mind around what UX concepts are important can be difficult. There are so many different trends, theories, and opinions on the web that it’s tough to know what’s right and what’s not that important. Here is a list of a couple of important UX web design tips that are absolutely “must know”.

Simple and Direct Navigation

This is extremely important if you are running a website for a business. Users should be able to visit your site and then easily navigate to the area where they are converted into a customer. It may not be the next page after the landing page, but there should be an obvious connection between all pages.

Think of your navigation as a path. It begins at the landing page and ends at the area where they become a customer, register for your list, or complete whatever objective you have in mind. Traveling along this path should be as simple as possible for the user. If they have to search around for buttons or links, then they are likely to leave the site or never reach the goal. For more guides on good UX menu practices, click here.

Put Yourself in Their Shoes

Don’t design a website for yourself. Even if it’s your website, it’s still not “for you”. It is for the people who visit it. That means don’t choose layouts or graphics just because you like them. You need to put yourself in the shoes of your target audience. What will they like? If you don’t fully understand your target audience, then you need to take a step back and do some research before completing the web design.

Don’t Be Afraid to Mimic

Finally, don’t be afraid to look up the competition and find out what they are doing that works. There’s nothing wrong with mimicking or improving upon some of the basic concepts they have used. Of course, that doesn’t mean making a duplicate of their website. Simply find out what UX techniques they are using that work and then implement something similar on your site.

Danny Ericsen
Danny Ericsen
Danny Ericsen is the owner of Starfire Web Design, a website design company and web developer, offering web development, SEO, and graphic design.