An SEO Dashboard Can Give You Valuable Insights on Your Traffic

Search engine optimization, though not quite as easy to do as it had been a mere five years ago, is still a fairly important element of the modern online business landscape. Putting the right words into your web site’s content and code can make a world of difference in how many clients can find your business at all, and being found is the first step towards being paid.

Being found in an ever rising sea of white noise is getting harder and harder, especially as online advertising becomes more expensive. It now nearly requires a PhD just to make paid advertising work. However, as more people get online, the fact is that online marketing is essential for a business to thrive in the modern world and search engine optimization remains a powerful way to market your brand’s identity in the digital realm.

However, knowing what search terms people are using to find your business can be quite important in knowing which search terms to put into your web site’s code and content. For example, if most people searching for a fried chicken restaurant are finding the place by searching for the search term “chicken wings” it is a good idea for that restaurant to put the phrase “chicken wings” into more of their web site’s content and code to try and become more relevant to search terms that are already working well for that business. This will bring in more visitors to a website, and with increased traffic and increased business for the company that is playing to its strengths in online marketing.

Computer with analytics dashboard displaying graphs of traffic to website

But learning what those search terms are is not an easy task. SEO reporting tools are an important element of knowing which search terms are helping clients find your website and other online marketing outlets. A well-designed SEO dashboard, with robust reporting tools, can make SEO management less complicated as it will provide insights on what search terms people are using to find your business. This information is also quite useful for knowing what your clients are focusing on, enabling the business running the website to focus their content more on that particular search term. In the aforementioned chicken restaurant example, the proprietors of that particularly eatery may wish to offer more sizes of chicken wings and create more blog posts involving their company’s chicken wings so as to draw more people looking for chicken wings online towards their company over others.

SEO reporting tools are important for learning what these terms are. Some of these tools, such as Google Analytics, are provided by the search engine companies themselves, intended to help business owners get a better idea of what type of online marketing is and isn’t working for their particular business. Some of these analytical services are free, but are not specifically focused on SEO reporting. Specialized SEO reporting software can be quite useful a business as it is specifically focused on finding out what search terms are working. If a business can manage to afford one of these programs without breaking their budget, it can be a good idea to invest in them.
